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RE: C++

  • Subject: [mg2218] RE: [mg2179] C++
  • From: jfultz ("John R. Fultz")
  • Date: Tue, 17 Oct 1995 06:33:11 GMT
  • Approved:
  • Distribution: local
  • Newsgroups: wri.mathgroup
  • Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.
  • Sender: daemon at ( )

Yes, this works just fine.  The only caveat I've come across is that
it's better to include the MathLinkLibrary.xcoff file in the project instead
of the MathLinkLibrary itself.  Also, of course, you should be using
the appropriate PowerMac tools on disk 2 of the MathLink Developer's

If you have any general questions about MathLink, make sure to get
the MathLink Tutorial, available from MathSource as item 0206-693.

John Fultz
Wolfram Research, Inc.

>From: 	deamicis at[SMTP:deamicis at]
>To: mathgroup at
>Subject: 	[mg2179] C++ 

Is it possible to use Symantec C++ v8.0 for make external function in 
Mathematica ?
Better, this compiler is compatible with Mathematica v2.2

Thank's Raff

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