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Re: Help with ErrorListPlot

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg3240] Re: Help with ErrorListPlot
  • From: welter at (Jason Welter)
  • Date: Tue, 20 Feb 1996 03:22:03 -0500
  • Organization: Internet Texoma, Inc.
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


Here's an example of ErrorListPlot that I know works.  It is also an
example of MultipleListPlot.  I have three lines, with error bars
plotted together.

When you call graphics.m you must have two packages preloaded
GraphicsCommon.m and FilterOptions.m.  I had problems until I made
sure the graphics.m package had access to them.

I use Mathematica 2.2.3 on NT for Intel processors.  

If it still doesn't work post the error message, your function or


-----------------------------Example Code-----------------------------


errorref= 0.02/2;

temp1 = ListPlot[dataref1,Axes->True,Prolog->AbsolutePointSize[2],
        PlotJoined->True,AxesLabel->{GPM,"S11 at 5
Ghz"},DisplayFunction -> Identity];
temp2 = ErrorListPlot[Map[Append[#,errorref]&,dataref1],
       DisplayFunction -> Identity,AxesLabel->{GPM,"S11 at 5 Ghz"}];
temp3 = ListPlot[dataref2,Axes->True,Prolog->AbsolutePointSize[2],
        PlotJoined->True,AxesLabel->{GPM,"S11 at 5
Ghz"},DisplayFunction -> Identity];
temp4 = ErrorListPlot[Map[Append[#,errorref]&,dataref2],
       DisplayFunction -> Identity,AxesLabel->{GPM,"S11 at 5 Ghz"}];
temp5 = ListPlot[dataref3,Axes->True,Prolog->AbsolutePointSize[2],
        PlotJoined->True,AxesLabel->{GPM,"S11 at 5
Ghz"},DisplayFunction -> Identity];
temp6 = ErrorListPlot[Map[Append[#,errorref]&,dataref3],
       DisplayFunction -> Identity,AxesLabel->{GPM,"S11 at 5 Ghz"}];

b = Show[temp1,temp2,temp3,temp4,temp5,temp6];


---------------------------End of Code--------------------------------

Edmond <underwoe at Colorado.Edu> wrote:

>Does anyone know how to get ErrorListPlot[{{x,y,dy}}] going?  I have version
>2.2 on Solaris and Next, and I have version 2.1 under NT.  It's not in the
>standard package, so I load the graphics package with
>Needs["Graphics`Graphics`"].  After loading the package, it still doesn't graph
>my plot.  It doesn't recognize it as a function.  Does anyone know how to make
>this work?  Your answers are greatly appreciated (e-mail if you could as this
>is the first time I've ever posted to this group and wouldn't be able to get
>around to it very often).


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