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Re: Postscript o/p to file can/t be read by ghostview

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg3319] Re: Postscript o/p to file can/t be read by ghostview
  • From: Drib <Ian.Barringer at>
  • Date: Mon, 26 Feb 1996 02:55:48 -0500
  • Organization: Brunel University
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

A. S. Arvind wrote:
> I am trying to use the Display["filename",Graphics]  command
> to write a graphics file into a postscript file  to later
> include in a TeX document.  Unfortunately the postscript
> file generated by MMA does seem to be complying to the Adobe
> standard, because "ghostview" does not read it properly
> and I can't print that postscript file to a printer either
> Is there anything missing in my thinking

	I experienced some peoblems with placing MMA graphics in a
word proccessor. I found the problem to be the graphic was saved as
a 24bit (true colour) file which the word proccessor couldn't handle.
I got around it by reducing the colour depth with a graphics package.
Hope that helps

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