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Re: Mathematica on MacOS 7.52

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg3346] Re: Mathematica on MacOS 7.52
  • From: Gennady <stupakov at>
  • Date: Thu, 29 Feb 1996 03:23:59 -0500
  • Organization: SLAC
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

>Subject: Mathematica on MacOS 7.52
>From: Corey, corey at
>To: mathgroup at
In article <4gmhcg$gmv at> Corey, corey at
>I can get Mathematica 2.2.2 to run on my PowerMac 8100/100
>running MacOS 7.51 without any problems.
>I cant get it to work on an 8500/120 running MacOS 7.52.  When
>I try to open the application it just ends.  I would much
>rather use my faster machine.  Any Ideas why?
> - Corey

I have a similar problem on my 9500/120 PowerPC running MacOS 7.52.
When I try to start Mathematica or open a document, after showing a
welcome picture Mathematica ends with a message something like
unknown quit because of an error such and such". I found out that
if I quit the kernel after this message and start Mathematica again, 
the problem disappears and can run Mathematica. 

It's a nuisance that each time I have to launch Mma two times in row,
but at least I can work with it this way.



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