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Windows NT problem

  • Subject: [mg3302] Windows NT problem
  • From: tomakk at (Kerem Tomak)
  • Date: 25 Feb 1996 13:50:56 -0600
  • Approved:
  • Distribution: local
  • Newsgroups: wri.mathgroup
  • Organization: Purdue University
  • Sender: daemon at

Hi there,

I have this weird (I hope!) problem that is rather frustrating for a new 
user of Mathematica v 2.2.4 but an experienced user of older versions...

The problem is....

Before getting my registration key everything was running except the 
opening registration note. After I got my registration key however, the 
kernel started to generate application errors with a Dr. Watson error 
message something as follows:

Application error: access violation 0xc00000005

This happens as soon as kernel starts to load and then since it can not 
link to the kernel, front end stops working. On the other hand, the 
Mathematica Kernel itself, with the icon right beside the original icon,
is working fine...Except plotting.

Can somebody out there help me to solve this annoying problem? Technical 
support group apparently have some problem even reading the mails sent to 
them regarding the problems about Student version!.

(This conclusion is because I have told them that everything was running 
fine BEFORE I got the registration key and they responded with a DUMB 
suggestion of checking the TCP/IP setup with the ASCII version of the 
manual's section on TCP/IP setup attached to it!!!!. Helllloooooo!!!!.)

Kerem Tomak
Department of Economics
Purdue University
West Lafayette, IN 47907

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