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HELP! algebraic math problem

  • Subject: [mg2945] HELP! algebraic math problem
  • From: David at, A.Johnson at
  • Date: 13 Jan 1996 07:26:43 -0600
  • Approved:
  • Distribution: local
  • Newsgroups: wri.mathgroup
  • Organization: Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, US
  • Sender: mj at

I'm stumped!

I have a simple problem that I certainly should be able to see the solution and my memory just isn't working.  Is there anyone who can help me solve this.

I have a general equation of: d = a + bx + c ln(x)

I want to isolate x, how do I do it?

In reality I know a, b, c, and d and need to calculate x

I've been trying to solve this in Mathematica and it just doesn't work because of limitations in their solve routine.  Of course I've been lazy for quite a while and have been using Mma to much to solve problems and my mind has obviously forgotten simple concepts.  

appologetically, and in advance, THANK'S,

David A. Johnson
please email any solution or suggestions.

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