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Re: Question: Applying a list of funcs to a list of expressions

  • Subject: [mg2934] Re: Question: Applying a list of funcs to a list of expressions
  • From: groskyd at (David Rosky)
  • Date: 13 Jan 1996 07:22:15 -0600
  • Approved:
  • Distribution: local
  • Newsgroups: wri.mathgroup
  • Organization: Silicon Systems, Inc.
  • Sender: mj at

Thanks to all who replied to my post.  The simplest trick was to use
the Inner function with "List" as the 'addition' operator and the 
pure function #1[#2]& as the 'multiplication' operator.  This is exactly
what I was trying to do, but I wasn't aware that you could use List as an 
operator like that.  My faith is restored - you *can* do anything
in Mathematica!

---------------------- groskyd at --------------------

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