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Re: Re: Problems with Outer

  • Subject: [mg2893] Re: [mg2876] Re: Problems with Outer
  • From: ross at ("Ross Moore <ross at>")
  • Date: 5 Jan 1996 03:55:32 -0600
  • Approved:
  • Distribution: local
  • Newsgroups: wri.mathgroup
  • Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.
  • Sender: mj at

Thank you, Robby.	

> If you are using version 2.2, then Outer accepts one or more integers
> after the lists specifying to what depth Outer should go in each of
> the lists.  In general,
>    Outer[f, list1, ..., listk, n1, ..., nk]
> means treat list1 as having depth n1, . . . , listk as having depth nk.
> We did not add this until version 2.2, which is why it did not appear in
> the second edition of the book.

This is exactly the kind of answer that I was looking for.
In fact I am using version 2.2 (in fact 2.2.2),
so this answer works perfectly for me.

However it now begs the question of why was there no update of the
usage message when the extra functionality was provided...

(Zeus2.2.2) In[1]:= ?Outer
Outer[f, list1, list2, ...] gives the
   generalized outer product of the listi.

(Zeus2.2.2) In[5]:= $Version
(Zeus2.2.2) Out[5]=
DEC RISC 2.2 (January 21, 1994)

Are there more instances of this kind of undocumented update?

Yes there are, for in today's mail another was mentioned...

> Try loading the Graphics`Graphics` package.  It defines an undocumented
> function called PiScale which can be plugged into the Ticks option.  For
> example, you can do the following:
> Needs["Graphics`Graphics`"]
> Plot[Sin[x], {x, 0, 2Pi}, Ticks->{PiScale, Automatic}]
> ...
> John Fultz
> Wolfram Research, Inc.

... though in a package rather than the kernel.

Is there already --- or would someone at WRI please create one 
--- a file available, which can be always loaded from  init.m ,
to simply update the usage messages for such minor updates?

Thanks again,

	Ross Moore

Ross Moore                         Internet: ross at
Mathematics Department                Work:       +61 2 850-8955
Macquarie University                   Home:   please do not try
North Ryde, Sydney                     Fax:       +61 2 850-8114
Australia  2109

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