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Problem with condition in function definition !

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg4149] Problem with condition in function definition !
  • From: a_kowald at (Axel Kowald)
  • Date: Fri, 7 Jun 1996 02:09:05 -0400
  • Organization: Kristallographic Institute FU Berlin
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Hi everybody

For some reason I'd like to define a function with condition in the following way:

bla[t_]/;(t<b) := {a,b,c}

bla[0] gives {a,b,c}, fine. But now I want to clear b, Clear[b], and still get 
the same result. So really I want to type 1 instead of b, but for some reason
can't do it.

Any idea what I have to do ?

The reason why I want to do it in the above described way is that within a Do loop
I use NDSolve to integrate an ODE from t0 to t1, change some start values, 
integrate from t1 to t2, change some start values, integrate from t2 to t3,
and so on...
So for each interval I get an InterpolatingFunctionObject. Finally I want to plot 
my solutions ranging from t0 to tn and have to make sure that I use the correct
InterpolationFunctionObject for the right interval. I thought a solution would be
to define a function (bla[]) which is defined section wise (using the
conditionals) and which calls the InterpolatingFunctionObjects which are valid
for the given interval. 
"b" in the above example corresponds to the index variable of the Do loop.
Unfortunately this doesn't work because after the Do loop I do NOT have several 
function definitions for t0 to t1, t1 to t2, and so on. 
If there is another easy way to solve my problem I would appreciate any help.

	Many thanks in advance

		Axel Kowald


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