MathGroup Archive 1996

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  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg3598] ISSAC'96 CALL FOR POSTERS
  • From: bronstei at (Manuel Bronstein)
  • Date: Wed, 27 Mar 1996 03:28:32 -0500
  • Organization: Dept. Informatik, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

[    Postscript & ASCII copies of this announcement are available on the
     ISSAC'96 homepage at

                    *** Please post and circulate ***                     ]
                              CALL FOR POSTERS

                              I S S A C  ' 9 6

         International Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computation

                     July 24-26, 1996 Zurich, Switzerland

                    Sponsored by ACM SIGSAM and ACM SIGNUM
ISSAC is an annual international symposium that provides an opportunity to
learn of new developments and to present original research results in all
areas of symbolic mathematical computation. ISSAC'96 will be held in the
main building of the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (ETH) in Zurich,

TOPICS OF THE MEETING include, but are not limited to: algorithmic mathematics,
theoretical and practical questions in symbolic mathematical computation, and
applications, i.e.  problem treatments incorporating algebraic, symbolic or
symbolic-numeric computation in an essential or novel way.

The ISSAC'96 Poster Session provides an informal vehicle to present recent
developments on topics of relevance to the ISSAC conference.
Particularly important categories include:
- recent and significant developments that may not yet be complete but would
  benefit from immediate and rapid dissemination.
- reports on applications of symbolic and algebraic computation.
  This includes recent results published in an application field which may
  thus be brought to the attention of the general ISSAC audience.
- posters on educational aspects, such as new books or new computer algebra
  packages for university or high school courses, and other useful educational

The Poster Session aims to complement the conference in presenting a
comprehensive overview of recent developments in the field.
Proposed posters may be submitted either electronically or by mail as extended
abstracts of 400 to 1200 words. E-MAIL SUBMISSION IS STRONGLY PREFERRED,
and should be addressed to the Poster Session Chair at
            issac96 at

Electronic submissions should be either as a LaTeX or PostScript file;
if this is impossible, plain text format is also acceptable. PostScript files
should be compressed and must be uuencoded (.ps.Z.uu, .ps.gz.uu).

Submissions sent by regular mail must allow time for international postal
service and should be addressed to:
       Wolfgang Kuechlin
       WSI Informatik
       Sand 13
       D-72076 Tuebingen, Germany

Extended abstracts should be received no later than  MAY 3, 1996.
Please state the contact author's name, address, and telephone number,
as well as fax and E-mail if available.

Abstracts will be reviewed by the poster session committee, consisting of:
    Reinhard Buendgen          University of Tuebingen, Germany 
    Markus Hitz                Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, U.S.A 
    Jeremy Johnson             Drexel University, U.S.A. 
    Heinz Kredel               University of Mannheim, Germany 
    Wolfgang Kuechlin (Chair)  University of Tuebingen, Germany 
    Vilmar Trevisan            UFRGS, Brazil 

For abstracts received by May 3, acceptance notification will be sent
by June 3, 1996. Production times do not allow posters to appear in the
proceedings, but a separate summary of the posters will be made available
at the meeting.


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