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  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg2630] re:ANOVA
  • From: "Oscar Linares" <Linares_Oscar at>
  • Date: Sat, 30 Mar 1996 02:47:05 -0500
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Hi support,
License #L2508-5284

I have the following sets of data where each row represents an individual 
patient and each column represents the measured variates.

data = {{2001, 1765, 654}, {1896, 1500, 200}, 
		{6410, 5532, 400}, {5321, 4089,600},
		{8430, 5675, 489}, {4678, 3211,432},
		{7654, 6565, 231}, {6543, 5000,456},
		{5432, 4575, 346}, {4431, 3410,567},
		{4567, 3412, 321}, {6653, 5432,327}};

2001   1765   654
1896   1500   200
6410   5532   400
5321   4089   600
8430   5675   489
4678   3211   432
7654   6565   231
6543   5000   456
5432   4575   346
4431   3410   567
4567   3412   321
6653   5432   327

++++ I want to perform an ANOVA.  How do I set this up using Mathematica?
Does LinearRegression handle this? I am interested in a p value.


Oscar A. Linares, M.D.


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