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Re: re: ANOVA

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg3641] Re: re: ANOVA
  • From: hohmuth at (Lars Hohmuth)
  • Date: Sun, 31 Mar 1996 00:51:14 -0500
  • Organization: Uni Ulm
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

In article <4jd5hp$pmr at> "Oscar Linares" <Linares_Oscar at> writes:
>From: "Oscar Linares" <Linares_Oscar at>
To: mathgroup at
>Subject: re: ANOVA
>Date: 28 Mar 1996 04:45:45 GMT

>Hi support,
>License #L2508-5284

>I have the following sets of data where each row represents an individual 
>patient and each column represents the measured variates.

>data = {{2001, 1765, 654}, {1896, 1500, 200}, 
>                {6410, 5532, 400}, {5321, 4089,600},
>                {8430, 5675, 489}, {4678, 3211,432},
>                {7654, 6565, 231}, {6543, 5000,456},
>                {5432, 4575, 346}, {4431, 3410,567},
>                {4567, 3412, 321}, {6653, 5432,327}};

>2001   1765   654
>1896   1500   200
>6410   5532   400
>5321   4089   600
>8430   5675   489
>4678   3211   432
>7654   6565   231
>6543   5000   456
>5432   4575   346
>4431   3410   567
>4567   3412   321
>6653   5432   327

>++++ I want to perform an ANOVA.  How do I set this up using Mathematica?
>Does LinearRegression handle this? I am interested in a p value.


>Oscar A. Linares, M.D.


First of all, you obviously sent your message  not to MMa support, but the 
Mathematica newsgroup, the e-mail address of Mma support is support at;-)

And secondly, yes LinearRegression will most probably handle this, the syntax 
should be:

Regress[data,{fit-functions},{independent variables},OutputList->{ANOVATable}].

You might also want to read pp 272ff of the "Guide to Standard Mathematica 

Hope this helps,

Lars Hohmuth
Sektion NMR
University Ulm


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