MathGroup Archive 1996

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Mac Font

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg3452] Mac Font
  • From: jdsmith at (David Kornreich)
  • Date: Fri, 8 Mar 1996 01:31:10 -0500
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Has any one heard of, or is in possession of, a Macintosh font which has
standard Roman letters for the lower set and greek letters for the upper
set (obtained by pushing option or option+shift keys).  This would be
extremely useful in Mathematica for defining greek letters as symbols and
functions, etc.  Mathematica has no problem accepting special characters,
but the standard set is mostly useless.


J.D. Smith

P.S. I think it is not infeasible to take two existing system fonts (e.g.
times and symbol) and put them together into one font, but I have neither
the expertise nor the software to do so...  Maybe one of you does.?.?.?.

T. Rev. Dr. #480979, K.S.C., N.D.D., F.M., B.S., K.N.S., B.B., O.T.O.
      (a.s.k.a. D. A. Kornreich) dkorn at
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