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mathematica on linux

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg4921] mathematica on linux
  • From: Mike Miller <millerm at U.Arizona.EDU>
  • Date: Fri, 4 Oct 1996 00:17:52 -0400
  • Organization: The University of Arizona
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

	I would like any comments people have regarding Mathematica on
Linux.  I looked in to taking advantage of a site liscence program at my
school some time ago, but received an e-mail from someone (I can't  
remember who) telling me that the linux version was not any good.  (Either
his/her job was not to sell my software, or he/she was trying to do me a
favor and help me avoid many headaches)

	Anyway, with the upcoming 3.0 release, there is great buzz around
the department and I'm considering getting the student version for linux.
Is this a good idea?  How does it compare to other versions?  I looked at
Wolfram and know that it is based upon an older kernel and it a.out , but
that doesn't bother me.  I just want to know if it is any good.

	Thanks for any reply,


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