MathGroup Archive 1996

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ErrorListPlot, changing the point symbol

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg5014] ErrorListPlot, changing the point symbol
  • From: stankerr at (Stan Kerr)
  • Date: Sat, 19 Oct 1996 02:25:56 -0400
  • Organization: University of Illinois/CCSO
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

One of our people sent me the question below:

>  I am using Mathematica version 2.2 at the workstations labs of the
> Univ. of Illinois. I am trying to plot data with associated error bars and
> I have used successfully the command ErrorListPlot from the Graphics`
> package. Now the problem is that I have multiple sets of data that I need
> to display on the same graph using different symbols for the data points
> like triangles,diamonds,squares etc. both open and filled. Do you know of
> any way I could do that or something similar ?

ErrorListPlot is in the package Graphics`Graphics` and is used, e.g., like this:

       data = {{1.,1.,1.}, {2.,1.5,1.}, {3.,.5,1.}}

where the third component of each triplet is the size of the error bar to
be drawn.

I looked at it and saw no way to change either the symbol plotted at each
data point, or the size of the default Point symbol, other than
reprogramming the function. Before we attempt that, we also need a set of
functions to draw the sorts of plot markers he wants, and I was quite
surprised to find none (that I could see) in Mathematica, or from
MathSource. Any suggestions?

Stan Kerr, Computing & Communications Services Office/U of Illinois
stankerr at

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