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Re: Solving

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg8281] Re: [mg8182] Solving
  • From: seanross at
  • Date: Sun, 24 Aug 1997 04:46:21 -0400
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Awwad A. Al-Harthi wrote:
> Hi there,
> I am trying to use mathematica to solve the following problems:
> 1. I could not get an answer when I enetred the following in mathematica
>         Log[1/(g+g *  Exp[x/g])]
> The output I get is simply my input.

What did you want mathematica to do?  If you wanted algebraic
simplification, then check out the various commands Simplify,
FullSimplify etc.
> 2. Given the functions:
>                 a. 1/(g + g * e^(x/g))
> how can I use mathematica to solve for x?. 
Do you want numeric or symbolic solutions.  If numeric, then NSolve or
FindRoot are your best bets. If symbolic, then Solve .

>                 b. F(t) = q + p * e^(-(t+c)(q+p)) / q*{1 + e^(-(t+c)(q+p))}
> How can I use mathematica to solve for c if F(0) = 0 ?.

#1-to enter an expression as a "function", use :=,  ie.  F[t_]:=.....
#2-when entering equations in Solve, use == or === in your equalities.
> Many many thanks
> Awwad

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