MathGroup Archive 1997

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Turning Off FractionBox[ ] Globally?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg8319] Turning Off FractionBox[ ] Globally?
  • From: siegman at (AES)
  • Date: Sun, 24 Aug 1997 13:24:34 -0400
  • Organization: Stanford University
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

When I display output -- e.g., expressions in Tables and other output --
on screen or as print output, or even when I put in Input expressions, I
don't want FractionBox[ ] to operate  *at all*  (the shift to smaller fonts
looks really ugly, and it takes up more screen space in some cases).
Is there some simple way to turn it off globally, in a given notebook?

(And while we're on formatting, is there a way to set the number of
digits in output numbers globally, so that 5.67894 X 10^17 and similar
numbers will come out at 5.68 or even just 5.7 X 10^17?)

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