Re: Partition List
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg8455] Re: Partition List
- From: Juergen.Schmidt at (Jürgen Schmidt)
- Date: Sat, 30 Aug 1997 00:43:09 -0400
- Organization: Math. Inst. der JLU Giessen
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
In article <5tu41r$2b8 at>, "Xah" <xah at> wrote: >A question on programing. >I want to partition a list, using special values in the list as boundary >indicators. For example, myList={3,7,10,6,1,1,6,1,7,10,3,4,6} and my special >value for boundary is 10, then my desired result would be >result={{3,7},{10,6,1,1,6,1,7},{10,3,4,6}}. > >How to do this using structure manipulating operators, and how to do it with >pattern matching? Thanks. > > Xah, xah at > > Mountain View, CA, USA > The following is a possible solution (Note that the index is shifted by one due to the deletion of the first element in L which is not of interest) Juergen splitList[L_List, patt_] := Module[{pos}, pos = Flatten[ Position[ Delete[L, 1], patt , {1}, Heads -> False ] ]; (Take[L, #]&) /@ Thread at {Prepend[pos + 1, 1], Append[pos, Length[L]]} ]; test1={3, 7, 10, 6, 1, 1, 6, 1, 7, 10, 3, 4, 6}; test2={a, 7, Pi, 6, a^a, EllipticK[1/2], x^2, 7, Sin[K], 3, 4, 3.14}; splitList[test1, 10] {{3,7},{10,6,1,1,6,1,7},{10,3,4,6}} splitList[test1, 1] {{3,7,10,6},{1},{1,6},{1,7,10,3,4,6}} splitList[test1, a_?OddQ] {{3},{7,10,6},{1},{1,6},{1},{7,10},{3,4,6}} splitList[test1, a_?EvenQ] {{3,7},{10},{6,1,1},{6,1,7},{10,3},{4},{6}} splitList[test2, a_?EvenQ] {{a,7,Pi},{6,a^a,EllipticK[1/2],x^2,7,Sin[K],3},{4,3.14}} splitList[test2, a_?AtomQ] {{a},{7},{Pi},{6,a^a,EllipticK[1/2],x^2},{7,Sin[K]},{3},{4},{3.14}} splitList[test2, a_Sin] {{a,7,Pi,6,a^a,EllipticK[1/2],x^2,7},{Sin[K],3,4,3.14}} splitList[test2, a_?NumericQ] {{a},{7},{Pi},{6,a^a},{EllipticK[1/2],x^2},{7,Sin[K]},{3},{4},{3.14}} splitList[test2, a_?NumberQ] {{a},{7,Pi},{6,a^a,EllipticK[1/2],x^2},{7,Sin[K]},{3},{4},{3.14}} _/_/_/_/ _/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/ _/_/ Dipl.-Phys. Juergen Schmidt _/_/ Mathematisches Institut (Math. Physik) _/_/_/ Justus-Liebig-Universitaet Giessen _/_/_/ Arndtstr. 2 * D-35392 Giessen _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/_/ phone ++49 (0) 641 99 320-64 (fax -29 / secr. -61) _/_/_/ _/_/ _/_/ Website Computeralgebra & Mathematical Physics: _/_/ _/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/_/_/ _/_/_/ _/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/_/ _/_/_/_/_/_/