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Re: selecting from lists

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg6165] Re: [mg6120] selecting from lists
  • From: gaylord at (richard j. gaylord)
  • Date: Thu, 27 Feb 1997 02:52:05 -0500
  • Organization: university of illinois
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

In article <5em0qi$3ln at>, murray at (Murray
Eisenberg) wrote:

> Actually, the general problem as I formulated it above is just the tip
> of the iceberg of things that are giving me trouble in Mathematica
> that are so easy for me in APL or J.  For example, construct a
> function firstnonzero that returns the index of the first nonzero
> entry in a list (or, more generally, the first entry in a list
> satisfying a given property).  Here the best I've come up with that
> avoids explicit looping is:
>    nonzero[x_] != 0; SetAttributes[nonzero, Listable]
>    firstnonzero[v_] := First[s[Range[Length[v]], nonzero[v]]]
> In these and similar problems, I have the feeling that there ought to
> be some slick approach using patterns, but I don't see how to do it.

hi murray:

you've got to break this APL/J hangup. there is almost nothing that can be
done in J or APL that can't be done as elegantly [and alot more
understandably in mathematica].

assuming index means location?

lis = Table[Random[Integer], {10}]
{0, 0, 1, 1, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1}

Position[lis, _?Positive | _?Negative, 1,  1]

and if you want, you can 

In[64] =
Position[lis, _?Positive | _?Negative, 1,  1]


Position[lis, _?Positive | _?Negative, 1,  1][[1, 1]]

not to mention, the ever popular

Position[lis, First[DeleteCases[lis, 0]], 1, 1]

note: i have not done any speedtests  on these ways. there are other ways
as well.

> Any help in putting me onto the right track in "Mathematica thinking"
> about such problems would be appreciated.

modesty prevents me from suggesting that you read chapters 3 and 4, in the
Introduction to Programming with Mathematica" book.  :)


richard j. gaylord, university of illinois, gaylord at

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