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extracting elements from a list of lists

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg5811] extracting elements from a list of lists
  • From: Olivier Georg <olivier.georg at>
  • Date: Wed, 22 Jan 1997 00:44:15 -0500
  • Organization: EPF Lausanne
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


Suppose I have lists within a list, like:

  myList = {{a,b}, {c,d}}

and I want to extract some element (let's say the d).  
I can request:


Now suppose what I have the index of the element as
the list {2,2}.  Then I can do:

  Fold[Part, myList, {2,2}]

Is it correct to suppose that it will first return the 
2nd sublist, and then extract the second element from it?
How efficient is it?  This may be a crucial point
if I have long lists, I think.  Then isn't there a
better way of doing this?

| Olivier Georg      \__  e-mail:    Olivier.Georg at  |
| Rte de Chailly 159    \__  home: |
| 1814 La Tour-de-Peilz    \__  tel: +41 21 944 15 42             |
| On ne peut pas tuer le temps   \__                              |
| Sans blesser un peu l'eternite    \__       ________    __o     |
| ( As if you could kill time  )       \__      _____   _`\<,_    |
| ( without injuring eternity. )          \__      ___ (_)/ (_)   |
|                   Henry David Thoreau      \                    |

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