Re: Double axes and gridlines in 2D-plots
- To: mathgroup at
- Subject: [mg7656] Re: [mg7577] Double axes and gridlines in 2D-plots
- From: "caffa" <caffa at>
- Date: Thu, 26 Jun 1997 01:36:43 -0400 (EDT)
- Organization: IABG
- Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at
Andreas Siemer wrote: > 1.) I want to plot two quantities in one x-y-plot with two y-axes > (left and right). How can I do that? > 2.) Is there an easy way to invoke a nice arrangement of major and > minor grid lines in a 2-D-plot? Part 1 Let us call z-axis the right y-axis. First of all we define the transformation y ---> z and viceversa. E.g.: In[1]:= ztoy[z_]:=2/5 z+20 In[2]:= ytoz[y_]:=5/2y-50 This gives: In[3]:= Table[{ztoy[z],z},{z,-100,0,50}]//TableForm Out[3]//TableForm= -20 -100 0 -50 20 0 In[4]:= Table[{y,ytoz[y]},{y,-20,20,20}]//TableForm Out[4]//TableForm= -20 -100 0 -50 20 0 We are going to use Plot with the option FrameTicks. We need either a list with elements in the form {position, label} or a function which generates such a list. We choose the second possibility. A nice tick position list can be generated with a library function: In[5]:= Needs["Graphics`Graphics`"] In[6]:= ?LinearScale "LinearScale[xmin, xmax] gives a list of \"nice\" values between xmin and xmax suitable for use as tick mark positions. LinearScale[xmin, xmax, n] attempts to find n such values." In[7]:= LinearScale[100,200] Out[7]= {{100.,100},{120.,120},{140.,140},{160.,160},{180.,180},{200.,2 00}} The position should be transformed in y-coordinates, and we like to have the label colored: In[8]:= zcolor=RGBColor[1,0,0]; In[9]:= tickspec[{position_,label_}]:= {ztoy[position],StyleForm[label,FontColor->zcolor]} In[10]:= zmarks[ymin_,ymax_]:= Map[tickspec,LinearScale[ytoz[ymin],ytoz[ymax]]] Example In[11]:= zmarks[-20,20] Out[11]= {{-20.,-100},{-12.,-80},{-4.,-60},{4.,-40},{12.,-20},{20.,0}} Let us now define to functions to be plotted respectively according to the y- and the z-scale: In[12]:= yfunc[x_]:=2x-20 In[13]:= zfunc[x_]:=-20-3 x Here is the result In[14]:= Plot[{yfunc[x],ztoy[zfunc[x]]},{x,0,20}, Axes->None,Frame->True, FrameTicks->{Automatic,Automatic,None,zmarks}, PlotStyle->{{},zcolor}] Out[14]:= - Graphics - Part 2 We need a function which generates a list of element in the form {coordinate, style}: In[15]:= gridfunc[step_,nsub_,style1_,style2_][min_,max_]:= Flatten[ Table[ {t+i step/nsub,If[i==0,{style1},{style2}]}, {t,min-Mod[min,step],max,step},{i,0,nsub-1}],1] Example In[16]:= gridfunc[1,4,dum1,dum2][0.,2.] Out[16]= {{0.,{dum1}},{0.25,{dum2}},{0.5,{dum2}},{0.75,{dum2}}, {1.,{dum1}},{1.25,{dum2}},{1.5,{dum2}},{1.75,{dum2}}, {2.,{dum1}},{2.25,{dum2}},{2.5,{dum2}},{2.75,{dum2}}} Here is the result we seek In[17]:= Plot[Sin[x],{x,0,2}, Frame->True, GridLines-> {gridfunc[0.4,4,Thickness[0.01],Thickness[0.005]], gridfunc[0.3,3,Thickness[0.01],Thickness[0.005]]}] Out[17]= - Graphics - I hope it helps. ----------------------------------------------------------- Dr. Vittorio G. Caffa Tel.: (089) 6088-2054 IABG, Abt. CC22 Fax: (089) 6088-2121 Einsteinstr. 20 E-Mail: caffa at D-85521 Ottobrunn