MathGroup Archive 1997

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Re: a simple question

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg7082] Re: [mg7077] a simple question
  • From: seanross at
  • Date: Wed, 7 May 1997 01:58:09 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Alex Rozenfeld wrote:
> Hi. I'm a last year student of Physics in the Universidad
> Nacional de La Plata (Argentina), and i'm doing a graduating research
> work. It's very helpful to me to use the Mathematica 2.2. But, in order
> to improve speed of calculations i wrote some code in "c" language. Now,
> it is imposible to me to run this code from mathematica 2.2. The purpose
> of this mail is to find some information about how to do this. If
> could someone help me, i will be very grateful.
>                                 Thank you very much.
>                                                 Alex.

There are two ways:  
1) if you have mathematica 2.2.2 or later, you can use mathlink.
2) you can use the command Run to run a program.  Have the c program use
a data file as input and output its results to a file.  Mathematica can
edit and set up the input file, then read the output when your c program
is done.

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