MathGroup Archive 1997

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Headers and Footers

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg7320] Headers and Footers
  • From: seanross at
  • Date: Fri, 23 May 1997 02:23:22 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Thanks for everybodies help with the multiple plots. I guess I was the
only one who hadn't figured out how to use the DisplayFunction yet.

I have a gripe and a question.

First, the Gripe:  There is no Front End documentation.  

The question comes from the gripe:

In the File:Print Options:Headers and Footers, there are a couple
expressions put there by default which cause the filename and page
number to print out as a header.  The expressions use the undocumented
commands ValueBox, CounterBox, OptionValueBox and TextData.  The on-line
help says that headers and footers are usually Cell expressions, but
when I copy the header expression and paste it into a cell, it displays
either itself as text or nothing if interpreted, so it is not a "normal"
cell expression.

#1- Does anyone know where I can find documentation on the syntax of
these commands?  Perhaps a Wolfram employee can respond.  

#2- Where can I find the proper syntax to add things like time, date,
revision number, a text message, small graphic, author, full pathname of
file etc.?  How can I make these items right, left or center justified. 
How could I change the font or text color?

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