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Re: Is there a better way to do a 3D List Plot?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg7413] Re: Is there a better way to do a 3D List Plot?
  • From: Alistair.Windsor at (Alistair Windsor)
  • Date: Sat, 31 May 1997 15:07:22 -0400 (EDT)
  • Organization: Victoria University of Wellington, New Zealand
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

In article <5mer4k$ar7 at>, jason at (jason welter) wrote:

> I have a list of data that I would like to plot
> that looks like:
> ResistMap3D1 =
>    {{-1260,0,5060},{-840,0,5048},{-420,0,5032},{0,0,5046},{420,0,5041},{840,0,
>       5046},{1260,0,5052},{0,-1260,5047},{0,-840,5023},{0,-420,5037},{0,420,
>       5037},{0,840,5031},{0,1260,5056},{-840,840,5057},{840,840,5061},{
>       840,-840,5048},{-840,-840,5047},{-420,420,5037},{420,420,5033},{
>       420,-420,5034},{-420,-420,5036}};
> It's format it {x,y,z}.

In the standard add-on package under Graphics`Graphics3D` there is a
command ScatterPlot3D which does what you call a 3D list plot. It should
work fine. The syntax would be like ScatterPlot3D[ResistMap3D1].

> The only way I know of to plot this is:
> Resistpp = 
>   Show[Graphics3D[Point[{-1260,0,5060}]],Graphics3D[Point[{-840,0,5048}]],
>     Graphics3D[Point[{0,1260,5056}]],AspectRatio->1,ViewPoint -> {0,1,0}];
> Is there a better way?  And I can't get the point size to be big enough
> to see.  Is there a way to increase the size?

Yes to both. To start with you only need one Graphics3D command.
Graphics3D[{Point[{-1260,0,5060}], .... ,Point[{0,1260,5056}]}]. The
command you want to insert to adjust the point size is PointSize[], or
AbsolutePointSize[]. This goes before the first point inside the
Graphics3D declaration. They each take a single real number. The
difference is in the units.

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