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Re: Comfortable/Appropriate processor for Mathematica 3.0

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg7036] Re: [mg7012] Comfortable/Appropriate processor for Mathematica 3.0
  • From: Michael Giddings <giddings at>
  • Date: Fri, 2 May 1997 21:31:00 -0400 (EDT)
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Regarding system speeds:
Though this is not a direct answer to the question, you could have a look at  
one or two of the Mathematica benchmarks sites to get a feeling of how  
different systems perform.  It seems like systems based on the 604e at 225  
and the Pentium Pro at 200 are about equivalent (maybe slight edge to the  
604), and the only faster machine available is a DEC Alpha.  BTW - More  
memory is always a very good thing, (I'm using NextStep and noticed a BIG  
improvement going from 32 to 64 mb).

Here are a few sites:

There are some other refs at the mathgroup benchmark site:

David Jones Wrote wrote:
> I am considering buying a new Macintosh and I am wondering what processor
> is comfortable (or more than comfortable) for running Mathematica 3.0. I'm
> thinking the 604e, but I wondered if anyone had any suggestions. Also
> concerning RAM, what would be a comfortable amount. I was hoping to go
> with 24MB but I'm told that 48MB might be a little safer....
> Any suggestions/replies: Thank you in advance.
Michael Giddings
giddings at
giddings at
(608)258-1699 or (608) 692-2851

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