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Re: Colored ListPlot

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg9041] Re: Colored ListPlot
  • From: tburton at (Tom Burton)
  • Date: Thu, 9 Oct 1997 01:42:20 -0400
  • Organization: Brahea Consulting
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

On 7 Oct 1997 03:14:01 -0400, in comp.soft-sys.math.mathematica you

If it is possible I would like to ListPlot["list"], where list of points
in the plane, but with the following quality. 
The points will be joined (easily done with PlotJoined-> True), and they
should have a color function assigned to them so that the color of each
joining line is determined in some way by the points on the ends.


First, you can do this easily (perhaps not so easily at first) without

In[10]:= data = Table[{i,Sin[i]},{i,0,10,.1}];

In[11]:= Show[Graphics[

Explanations of In[11]:

Line [11]/2:  Partition the data into overlapping pairs of points
{{p1,p2},{p2,p3},...}, where p1=={x1,y1}, etc.

Line [11]/3:  Rewrite each pair {p1,p2} as
{Hue[0.25(2+Last[p1+p2])],Line[{p1,p2}]}. This keys the color of each
line segment to the midpoint y-value of the segment. The Hue function
expects a real argument in the range [0,1] and will Mod its argument
back onto this domain if needed.

Line [11]/4: Turn on axes and axis labels.

If ListPlot does something for you that Graphics does not, then You can
also superimpose this plot on a ListPlot using Show as explained in the
Mathematica Book.

Hope this helps.
Tom Burton

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