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Re: Which version for symbolic calculation, student or full ?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg9278] Re: [mg9248] Which version for symbolic calculation, student or full ?
  • From: seanross at
  • Date: Mon, 27 Oct 1997 02:46:49 -0500
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

Bluesky wrote:
>   Hi, everybody.
>   Sometimes I want to do some general calculation with systems of
> equations, or functions that use only symbols, not with any particular
> numeric number. I may use the answer when in need.
>   For example,  log(x - 2*exp(a + 1 / ( x - b ) ) )  =  ??
>   Then, when necessary, I just use the answer with some value and get
> the particular case.
>   But it seems the student version of Mathematica does not allow one to
> do so, and I see on the cover of the full version of Mathematica 3.0
> there is one or two lines that symbolic calculation is available.
>   Is it true ?
>   If so, it is expensive for me to buy the full version because I don't
> use it very often.
>   Or if possible, please, anyone advice me to use any other mathematic
> software, preferred Windows version, that can do the general
> calculation with symbols.
>   Thank you in advance for any advice/guide/opinion.
>   Minh Nguyen
The only differences between the professional and student versions(I own
one of each) of Mathematica 3.0 are that

1) The student version has a non removable header/footer that prints on
every page identifying it as the student version. 2) The student
version does not ship with the mathlink developers kit.

Thus, symbolic calculation is present in both versions. 

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