MathGroup Archive 1997

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controlling default input and output Notebook

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg8938] controlling default input and output Notebook
  • From: Bob Young <ryoung at>
  • Date: Sat, 4 Oct 1997 22:08:15 -0400
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

I am running Mathematica 3 on Unix.

Does anyone know to programmatically switch the notebook that is the
default for input and output?  It seems like it should be easy.  The
obvious way to do it would be to find the stream(s) associated with
notebooks.  Then they could be assigned to $Input and $Output.  I have
not found any way to extract this information.

Starting the basic situation.  Untitled-1 starts being used for input
and output.  An evaluation (a long one) reaches a place where the
program needs to open some new notebook for the user to interact with
for input and output.  Then, WITHOUT THE USER DOING ANYTHING, the
program closes the new notebook, and needs to redirect input and
output back to Untitled-1.

Thanks for any suggestions,

Bob Young
SciComp Inc
5806 Mesa, Suite 250
Austin, TX 78731

512-451-1622 (FAX)

e-mail: ryoung at

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