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Re: Order of execution of initialization cells

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg8932] Re: Order of execution of initialization cells
  • From: Paul Abbott <paul at>
  • Date: Sat, 4 Oct 1997 22:08:09 -0400
  • Organization: University of Western Australia
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

John E. Derwent wrote:

> Using 3.0.1, consider the two commands:
> <<Calculus`VectorAnalysis`
> SetCoordinates[Cartesian[x,y,z]]
> Each of these is in its own cell, which is an Initialization Cell. I want
> to load the package and then change the coordinates from the default {Xx,
> Yy,Zz} to the more usual {x,y,z} (which incidentally were the default in
> 2.2). When the first cell is evaluated, what should happen?  After I
> indicate that I do want to evaluate all Initialization Cells, In[1] appears
> before the first command, then In[2] appears before the second command, and
> there is the expected output to the second command, and then In[3] appears
> before the first command, and then execution is complete.  But the
> coordinates have been set back to the default {Xx, Yy,Zz} instead of to
> {x,y,z}.  I've tried this both on a Mac and a Sparc, with the same result.

I tried this on a Macintosh.  When the first two cells are
initialization cells, I selecte the _second_ cell and hit Enter.  I say
Yes to evaluating all intitialization cells and this is the output I

  In[1]:= <<Calculus`VectorAnalysis`
  In[3]:= SetCoordinates[Cartesian[x,y,z]]
  Out[3]= Cartesian(x,y,z)
  In[4]:= Coordinates[]
  Out[4]= {x,y,z}

I am puzzled about what happened to In[2] but the coordinates certainly
have been set to {x,y,z}.

However, if I select the _first_ cell and hit Enter I get:

  In[3]:= <<Calculus`VectorAnalysis`
  In[2]:= SetCoordinates[Cartesian[x,y,z]]
  Out[2]= Cartesian(x,y,z)
  In[4]:= Coordinates[]
  Out[4]= {Xx,Yy,Zz}

which agrees with your statement above.  I think that this is a bug and
I have forwarded it to bugs at


Paul Abbott                                   Phone: +61-8-9380-2734
Department of Physics                           Fax: +61-8-9380-1014
The University of Western Australia           
Nedlands WA  6907                     mailto:paul at 

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