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Re: LabVIEW front end

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg8962] Re: LabVIEW front end
  • From: Leszek Sczaniecki <lsczan at>
  • Date: Mon, 6 Oct 1997 01:59:31 -0400
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at


Michael Winter wrote:

> I am currently using LabVIEW 4.0 for data acquisition, but need to access
> some of the functions in Mathematica for analysis. In order to do the
> analysis in real-time, I need to set up a connection between the two with
> Mathlink.
> A few years ago there seemed to be quite a few people doing this, but now
> that I need to do it, all the information seems to have disappeared (seemed
> to happen about the time National Instruments purchased HIQ). The only
> remnant I can find is a LabVIEW VI found at both the National Instruments
> FTP site <>, and the Mathsource site. Unfortunately, it was written for an
> older version of LabVIEW for the Mac, and won't run on either a PowerMac or
> Win95 system.
> Anyone have any experience with LabVIEW/Mathematica communication they'd be
> willing to share or know where I might find a "ready made" solution?
> Thanks for your help.
> -Mike

Till recently I had been working for WRI as the Director of Applications
Development. One of my projects that is long ready, but unfortunately not
released yet, is Link to Labview. It  does exactly what you are asking for --
this is a really nice piece of work. You may try to contact Jean Peccoud at
Jean.Peccoud at, who is the principal developer of the package.

Good luck!


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email;internet: lsczan at
tel;home:       (217) 351-2639
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