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Re: What's wrong in this plot?

  • To: mathgroup at
  • Subject: [mg15026] Re: [mg15003] What's wrong in this plot?
  • From: Andrzej Kozlowski <andrzej at>
  • Date: Wed, 9 Dec 1998 04:12:14 -0500
  • Sender: owner-wri-mathgroup at

On Sat, Dec 5, 1998,  <sergio at> wrote:

>   Hello everyone:
>   I'm using the following code to plot a set of individual
>   rectangles, labeling each each rectangle with a number at
>   the center.  After that, the plots are combined in a single
>   one using Show. The problem is that only the label of the first
>   rectangle is shown in the combined plot. Could somebody point
>   out what is going and how to overcome the problem?
>    Regards,
>    Sergio
>    E-mail: sergio at *)
>data ÿ{-20., 0.}, {-20., -10.}, {-10., -10.}, {-10., 0.}, {-20., 10.},
>        {-20., 0.}, {-10., 0.}, {-10., 10.}, {-10., 0.}, {-10., -10.},
>        {0., -10.}, {0., 0.}, {-10., 10.}, {-10., 0.}, {0., 0.}, {0.,
>        {0., 0.}, {0., -10.}, {10., -10.}, {10., 0.}, {0., 10.}, {0.,
>        {10., 0.}, {10., 10.}, {10., 0.}, {10., -10.}, {20., -10.},
>{20., 0.},
>        {10., 10.}, {10., 0.}, {20., 0.}, {20., 10.}};
>Clear[gridplot, label, midx, midy];
>gridplot ÿ};
>label ð;
>           midx ÿdata[[k]][[1]] + data[[k+3]][[1]])/2.0 ;
>           midy ÿdata[[k]][[2]] + data[[k+1]][[2]])/2.0 ;
>          label ÿabel + 1;
>         AppendTo[gridplot,
>                        PlotJoined -> True,
>                              Axes -> False,
>                            Epilog -> Text[label,{midx,midy}],
>                   DisplayFunction -> Identity]],
>   {k,1,Length[data],4}];
>Show[gridplot[[4]], Frame -> True, DisplayFunction -> $DisplayFunction];
>Show[gridplot[[7]], Frame -> True, DisplayFunction ->
>$DisplayFunction]; Show[gridplot, Frame -> True, DisplayFunction ->
>-----------ÿPosted via Deja News, The Discussion Network ÿ---------
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The problem is with your using Epilog. If you simply combine your text
objects with the rectangles as separate graphic objects everything
works fine:

data ÿ{-20., 0.}, {-20., -10.}, {-10., -10.}, {-10., 0.}, {-20., 10.},
        {-20., 0.}, {-10., 0.}, {-10., 10.}, {-10., 0.}, {-10., -10.},
        {0., -10.}, {0., 0.}, {-10., 10.}, {-10., 0.}, {0., 0.}, {0.,
        {0., 0.}, {0., -10.}, {10., -10.}, {10., 0.}, {0., 10.}, {0.,
        {10., 0.}, {10., 10.}, {10., 0.}, {10., -10.}, {20., -10.},
{20., 0.},
        {10., 10.}, {10., 0.}, {20., 0.}, {20., 10.}};

Clear[gridplot, label, midx, midy];
gridplot ÿ};
label ð;
           midx ÿdata[[k]][[1]] + data[[k+3]][[1]])/2.0 ;
           midy ÿdata[[k]][[2]] + data[[k+1]][[2]])/2.0 ;
          label ÿabel + 1;
                        PlotJoined -> True,
                              Axes -> False,
                   DisplayFunction -> Identity],     
Show[gridplot[[4]], Frame -> True, DisplayFunction -> $DisplayFunction];
Show[gridplot[[7]], Frame -> True, DisplayFunction ->
$DisplayFunction]; Show[gridplot, Frame -> True, DisplayFunction ->

Andrzej Kozlowski
Toyama International University

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