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Re: Bug? Can suddenly not edit with LINUX Frontend

  • To:
  • Subject: [mg10722] Re: Bug? Can suddenly not edit with LINUX Frontend
  • From: "P.J. Hinton" <>
  • Date: Mon, 2 Feb 1998 00:44:17 -0500
  • Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.
  • References: <6asb13$>

On 30 Jan 1998, Oliver Kirchkamp wrote:

> I experience the following strange behavior with my new Mathematica 3.0
> under Linux 2.0.32 with the Fvwm95 window manager:
> Sometimes already at the beginning of a session, sometimes unexpectedly
> within a Mathematica session the Mouse-Cursor becomes a "Hand" (as it
> usually does only over a graphic) and does not allow introducing a
> text-cursor any longer (in particular not over Input-Text).
> Sometimes it is possible to introduce a text-cursor between two cells,
> and then use arrow keys to move the text-cursor into a cell.
> Attempting to select or unselect cells always selects/unselects some
> additional cells which are not neighbored to the attempted cell.
> All this sounds very odd to me. Did anybody experience this problem? 
> Any ideas?

Check to see what the Mod2 keysym is mapped to.  I suspect that it is
mapped to your Num Lock key.  You can verify this by clicking on the
following menu sequence on the X front end's window:

	Help	-> 	X Environment Information

This will bring up a dialog box.  Find the subsection called "Keyboard
Attributes.  The Mod2 keysym will be the second item down.

If the Mod2 keysym is mapped to Num Lock, hit the Num Lock key to turn
it off.  When you start moving the mouse pointer within the X front
end's window, the pointer cursor will revert back to the I-beam, and
all will be well.

Depressing Mod2 turns on an undoucmented feature of the X front end --
global selection.  When global selection is activated, the mouse
pointer will change from an I-beam to a hand.  You cannot place a text
edit cursor within a cell in this mode, but if you select a cell of a
given style, then all cells of that style will be selected.  That
explains the seemingly odd behavior you observed.

P.J. Hinton
Mathematica Programming Group  Wolfram
Research, Inc.        
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed herein are those of the author alone.

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