MathGroup Archive 1998

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Mathematica Palettes

I am trying to write a palette in Mathematica that will change the
format of a cell. I am changing the background, text color, text size
and cell style. I have all working except the cell style. I want to
change it to text from the standard input. Can someone help me out
please!! Please reply to

Here is the code I am using:

         RowBox[{"Grading", " ", "Properties"}],
             Background -> RGBColor[1, 0, 0],
             FontSize -> 16,
             FontFamily -> "Times",
What goes here to change the style to text???
 ----->  Style -> "Text",

             FontColor -> RGBColor[ 1, 1, 0]]&)

Thank you much for your help.

Fred Wissen

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