MathGroup Archive 1998

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Problem: install on HPUX

We have:

HP 712, HPUX 9 with Patch PHKL_6075  & Mathematica V2.

Paid for upgrade to V3 + CD-ROM.  Unfortunately V3 requires HPUX 10,
which in turn is very hoggish: I am advised we need at least double our
present RAM + disk space & so forth.

So I tried to install on  HPUX9  & failed.  The problem first met is
that as mounted, the files on the CD all  have names in uppercase, e.g:


but this file  refers to other files  on the  CD  by names with initial
caps, thus:


cd $reloc
SystemResources/Utilities/Mathinstaller $*

(extracts, snipped).  Several other command scripts  on the  CD  do the
same.  I tried using the patch  to change filenames, but the only
option provided  is to map filenames to all lower case which doesnt
solve the problem.

I am very reluctant to spend 500 pounds or so to upgrade our H-ware for
HPUX 10 if we still cant run Math. V3 on it.  Please has anybody
successfully  installed it on HPUX 10.20 as received on the free CD
from  HP ?  

Do the files on the CD really have 
initial-capital names like


If so, is it a bug in  PHKL_6075  that I cannot see the  filenames in
their correct case ?

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