MathGroup Archive 1998

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Re: Need help with time series

Martin S <> wrote:


we have the same version and a bit the same problem I guess...

> I want to analyze time series ( stock prices ) stored in ascii format.
> The data look like:
>   date      open     high       low       close   volume
> 02/03/98,110.00,113.875,109.375,113.750,789456
> and the dataset has at least 500 rows.
> 1) How can I access each component individually to use smoothing
> techniques or indicators?

perhaps thats what I am doing can help you:

I want to plot data that is stored in a file having in the format:

<frequence> <phase> <amplification>
9,99999999999999E+0001  0,00000000000000E+0000 -1,57079632679490E+0000
1,01157945425990E+0002  7,71721237938515E+0000 -2,14854930109820E-0002

and want to plot the BODE-Diagram. So I did:

myData = ReadList["filename",{Number, Number, Number}];

and now want a plot from <phase> over <frequence> and <amplification>
over <frequence>I tried things like


but I always got the wrong list-format. I need

{freqence1,phase1},{freqence2, phase2}...

and I always get things like

{phase1, phase2, phase3} or so.

Have you already come so far? 



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