Help about version 3.0
- To:
- Subject: [mg10872] Help about version 3.0
- From: Fernando Marcos Santana Barreto <>
- Date: Wed, 11 Feb 1998 18:32:40 -0500
Hello, I am a Civil Engeniering Student at UNICAMP-BRASIL. (State University of Campinas) ,Last year, I did a work reseach about some problems at Civil Enginieging involving Diferential equations , then I used the version Mathematica 2.2.3, some times I asked the wolfram student support about how solve any kind of diferential equations and your help was very essencial for my work. If you would like, I can send you the results by my reseach ( in Portuguese). Now, I am begin another reseach about Theory of thin Plates and Shells, In my new reseach I need solve this diferential equation with the mathematica:( now,my university has the version 3.0). In[3]:= DSolve[D[w[x,y],{x,4}]+2*D[D[w[x,y],{x,2}],{y,2}] + D[w[x,y],{y,4}]==q/d,w[x,y],{x,y}] I know the mathematica is not be able to solve this Kind of PDE using onky the DSolve so , I am searching for anybare working with PDE that have any specific Package for solving Parcial Diferencial equations how Laplace equation and Poisson equation , If you know anything about this subjects or know one person let me know Please Thanks Fernando barreto