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Mathematica/Mac OS 8 bugs

Wolfram have (finally) posted a patch to fix a bug in the Mac OS 8
Appearance Extension. The bug causes the ``misplaced cursor" and
``missing spaces" problems with Mathematica 3.0, which basically amout
to text not being place correctly on the screen. (It's very odd that
Mathematica 3.0 is the only application that is affected by this bug.)
The problem persists in Mac OS 8.1.

Here's a link:

Wolfram have also confirmed a bug in Mathematica 3.0's Mac front end
that causes onscreen line breaks to occur about 1/4 inch before the
right margin (however it's not consistent). The problem does not appear
when printing; thus onscreen page break indicators are useless, and
page breaks must be tweaked by trial and error. --
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dr. Selwyn Hollis
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Armstrong Atlantic State University
Savannah, GA 31419 USA

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