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Re: saving styles from notebooks: help, please!

  • To:
  • Subject: [mg10982] Re: saving styles from notebooks: help, please!
  • From: "P.J. Hinton" <>
  • Date: Sun, 15 Feb 1998 02:10:48 -0500
  • Organization: Wolfram Research, Inc.
  • References: <6c3d25$>

On 14 Feb 1998, Michael A. Morrison wrote:

> i have found a notebook on the web that contains some especially defind
> cell styles that i like very much and want to use in other notebooks i
> am writing. is there a way to "export" or "save" just the styles from a
> notebook and in so doing to define a new style sheet that i can make
> appear in the Format menu so I can select it on a regular basis?  (i
> know i can edit the notebook containing the file and strip out the
> style definitions and edit them into the new notebook, but that seems
> extremely awkward and clunky.) any advice would be very gratefully
> appreciated! Please reply via EMAIL.  Many thanks. ---- michael

1) Open the notebook that contains your desired styles.

2) Click on the menu command sequence

	Format -> Edit Style Sheet...

3) If a dialog box shows up (doubt if it will, but just in case), select
"Import private copy."  

4) With the stylesheet notebook as your selected notebook, click on the
menu command sequence:

	File -> Save

This will save the style definitions embedded in your notebook as an
external style sheet file.  Give it some descriptive name for future

5) To make the style sheet available on your Format -> Style Sheet menu,
just copy the file to one of two locations:


The first and third  directory may not exist on your system, so you may
need create them manually.  

The first directory is the preferred configurations on muti-user systems
such as Unix and Windows NT, where an individual may not have
permission to make changes to the core Mathematica installation. 

$TopDirectory and $PreferencesDirectory may be determined by pasting
value display objects in a notebook text cell:

  a) In a new notebook, click on the following menu command:

        Format -> Style -> Text
  b) Next, click on the following menu command:

        Input -> Create Value Display Object...

  c) On the resulting dialog box, locate the pull-tab menu with the
     "Global variable:" and set it to variable you want to view.  This
     variable name should then appear in the blank at the top of the
     dialog box.  Click the "OK" button.

P.J. Hinton
Mathematica Programming Group  Wolfram
Research, Inc.        
Disclaimer: Opinions expressed herein are those of the author alone.

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