MathGroup Archive 1998

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Re: printing and font problems

>> 1) [Windows? and Unix] On our Unix systems and on 1 of the 2 PCs I work
>> with, input cells do not print in boldface; they look identical to output
>> cells.  More precisely, we get plain Courier rather than bold Courier on
>> the printed page, whatever type of cell we use bold Courier in.  The PCs on
>> which I work are more or less identical, but the one for which I am able to
>> get bold Courier is attached to an HP LaserJet 4MV while the one for which
>> I am not able to get bold Courier is attached to an HP DeskJet 855C, so
>> perhaps that is the deciding factor.  On our Unix systems we print to a
>> PostScript file and are definitely not getting bold Courier, regardless of
>> the printer.  Courier is not the only font so afflicted, but it seems to be
>> the most important one.

I have only just found your year-old MathGroup posting.  I am having the
same problem you describe (no boldface input cells when PRINTING under
UNIX; screen appearance is fine).  WRI is giving me the runaround --
pretty much insisting that I upgrade to release 3.0.2 before they'll
discuss it further, and not telling me whether anyone else reported
this problem.  So, did you ever figure out how to fix this?  If not, is
there a workaround?

I normally don't care about printing out notebooks at all, but I'm
preparing a journal article which includes some code excerpts, and
would like to produce figures with bold input.


Tevian Dray

MAIL:	   Dept. of Mathematics, Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 
97331 PHONE:     (541) 737-5159	(Math Dept:  (541) 737-4686) FAX:      
(541) 737-0517

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