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RE: Help

soln ={{a -> 32}, {a -> -22}, {a -> 49}};

To get the substitution rules with positive values, do the following:

Select[soln, (a /. #) > 0&]

{{a -> 32}, {a -> 49}}

If all you want are the positive values themselves, then use:

Select[a /. soln, # > 0&]

{32, 49}

Bob Hanlon


I have 3 solutions for a which are
{a -> 32, a -> -22, a -> 49}.

I want to use the positive answer to sub in a folowing equation.

The code that I wrote is

aList = Re[Last/@Flatten[%]];
aList = Select[%, #>0 &];*)

   m = 1, m < size, m++, aList[[m]]

Howver, it doesnt seem to work the way I want.



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