MathGroup Archive 1998

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I am trying to compile an interpolation routine which is used thousands
of times in my program

alaway is a 2D table of data {{x1,y1,data1},{x2,y2,data2} ... }

h is an array of data; e.g. h = {{1,2},{2,3,} ... }, representing x's &
y's for which I want data's; this array has 1000's of entries

I can use


and get an answer, but it takes several minutes to complete.

When I try to compile the routine:


I get:

    h should be a tensor of type Integer, Real, or Complex;  evaluation
will use the uncompiled function."

    "Further output of Compile::cplist will be suppressed during this 

I have tried several variations with no lukc. Anyone have any ideas?


John C. Er

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