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Re: Importing .pix files .

Nilay Saha wrote:
> Hello everyone,
>    I have a .pix file in my c:\drive. It contains SEM(Scanning electron
> Microscope image) of the vortex structure in Superconductor.
>   I want to see and manipulate this file in Mathematica. But I do not
> know how to open this file in Mathematica. Can anyone help me regarding
> this.
>   Thanking you,
>    Yours Sincerely,
> Nilay saha
> Kamerlingh Onnes Laboratory,
> 2300RA Leiden,
> The Netherlands.
> Ph: (0031)527 5476.

I have never heard of .pix format.  Mathematica contains no automatic
filters to open any kind of graphics files whatsoever.  It can read the
binary digits and you can decompress the file yourself if you know its
structure, but mathematica itself is only capable of reading numbers
from ascii text files or binary digits.

If your file is a more standard graphics format, the shareware program,
paintshop pro ( can open it and transform it to a raw data
format which a ReadList command can open. -- 
Remove the _nospam_ in the return address to respond.

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