MathGroup Archive 1998

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Ricci version 1.32

                              New release:

          A Mathematica package for doing tensor calculations
                        in differential geometry

                              Version 1.32

Ricci Version 1.32 is a minor revision of Version 1.2, including
enhancements and bug fixes to allow Ricci to work with Mathematica 3.x.
It does not yet take advantage of the WYSIWIG interface of Mathematica;
for that, you will have to wait for Ricci version 2, which I hope to
release sometime during 1998.  Ricci 1.32 will still work with
Mathematica 2.x.

Here are the changes since Version 1.2:

* Fixed a serious bug in the parenthesizing of output expressions under
  Mathematica 3.0.

* Slightly revised handling of functions and constants with options such
  as Type->Positive or Type->NonNegative, to be more consistent with the
  way Mathematica 3.0 tests signs. This should still work correctly with
  Mathematica 2.0.

* Corrected the handling of a few names that are now built-in functions
  under Mathematica 3.0, but were not under version 2.0. This will
  eliminate some annoying error messages.

* Fixed a bug in the insertion of indices into expressions of the form

The easiest way to get Ricci is from the web:  

Alternatively, you can download the Ricci files yourself by anonymous
ftp from, in directory pub/Ricci.  

If you have any questions, please feel free to contact me.
| John M. Lee, Professor of Mathematics       University of Washington
| |                     Mathematics Department 
| |         Box 354350             
| | Phone 206-543-1735, Fax 206-543-0397        Seattle, WA 98195-4350 

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