MathGroup Archive 1998

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Button Code to Delete All Output?

I'd be grateful if someone would post the code for a cell I could stick
in any notebook that would create a Button which, when clicked, would
execute one of the Menu items in Mathematica 3.0 on a Macintosh.

As a specific example, I'd like to have a button which when clicked
would execute the Kernel/Delete All Output menu item (preferably
including the resulting "Are you sure?" prompt).

(And by the way, msg to WRI, whenever I execute the Kernel/Delete All
Output menu item, I seem to end up with the cursor at the bottom of a
blank window, with all the remaining cells out of sight above the top
of the window.  

Seems as if it would be more useful to end up either with the cursor
where it was before executing this, or at the bottom of the final
remaining cell (and mid window), or at the top of the notebook.)

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