MathGroup Archive 1998

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Re: Mathematica and Visual basic

> Where might I find resources to link a GUI created in Visual Basic
> (version 5.0) to the Mathematica kernel? I would like the user to be
> able to enter input into the front-end created by Visual Basic, have
> the front-end call the Mathematica kernel to perform calculations and
> then return the answer to the front-end. Is there a way to expose
> Mathematica's object library via OLE?

Mathematica doesn't currently support OLE automation.  However, there is
a simple example in the Mathematica distribution that does something
very similar to what you want to do using the MathLink protocol
developed by Wolfram.  If you've installed the MathLink Developer's Kit
from the Mathematica 3.0 CD onto your system (it's installed by
default), then look in the following subdirectory of the Mathematica


There's not much documentation that I'm aware of on using MathLink from
within Visual Basic, but the sample program here offers a good starting
point for a basic GUI front end.


John Fultz
Front End Group
Wolfram Research, Inc.

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