Numeric overflow
- To:
- Subject: [mg10390] Numeric overflow
- From:
- Date: Mon, 12 Jan 1998 04:10:25 -0500
- Organization: University of Colorado at Boulder
Hello, again! A big thanks to the helpers out there. Here's a spin off of previous question. I have data set that is a series of nested x,y values, {{x,y},{x1,y1}} that I'm attempting to fit using the NonlinearFit function. What I have written is: lamda =(NonlinearFit[newlist[[#]],c+ b Exp[-a x],{x},{a,b,c}]&)/@ Table[i,{i,1,10}] where I'm applying NonlinearFit to several sets of data using the Map function (written in full form here). I've got the function specified along with the variables I'm trying to fit. When I run the line, I get NonlinearFit::"lmovfl": "Warning: numeric overflow occurred during this search. This may mean \ that the search is starting from an inappropriate point, that the model is \ unstable, or that insufficient precision is being used for these \ calculations. The returned parameter estimates may not minimize the sum of \ squares." and no output. What am I missing - besides a six-pack, that is? Have a great weekend! Paul Hanson -- * * * * /\ */\* / \ / \ /\
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