MathGroup Archive 1998

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Re: Save a sequence of images as a QuickTime file?

>I am having trouble saving a sequence of images as a QuickTime file with
>Mathematica 3.0 on a Macintosh.  I have created a sequence of grouped
>images with a command like:
>They animate nicely by selecting the group & doing the front end menu
>item "Animate Seected Graphics" under the Cell menu.
>Now I would like to save the sequence as a QuickTime file.  So I select
>the group & do the front end menu item "Save Selection As... QuickTime"
>under the Edit menu.  When it is over I get a QuickTime file, but it
>only has the first frame in it.
>Am I doing something wrong?  How do I get the whole sequence into one
>QuickTime file (besides saving each frame separately & joining them
>outside Mathematica with a QuickTime editor)?  Is this the way it is
>supposed to work?  Is there a bug?
>Thanks for the help!
>......................................................... Jim Jennings
>Research Associate     Bureau of
>Economic Geology      (512) 471-4364 (voice) University of Texas at
>Austin   (512) 471-0140 (fax)
It's a bug in 3.0. This is fixed in 3.01.

Richard Gass
Department of Physics
University of Cincinnati
Cincinnati, OH 45221
phone- 513-556-0519

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