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RE: "flattening" systems of eq

Try the following:

expr={ {a, b, c, d}=={w, x, y, z}, e==f }; MapAt[ Thread, expr, 1]//

{ a==w, b==x, c==y, d==z, e==f}

          Ted Ersek
|From: "shollis" To:
|To: ersek ted; "mathgroup" |Subject: [mg10431] [mg10375]
``flattening" systems of equat |Date: Monday, January 12, 1998 12:13PM
|<<File Attachment: 00000000.TXT>>
|What is the  simplest way to convert a system of equations like this: |
|{{a,b,...}=={c,d,...}, e==f}
|into this:
|{a==c, b==d,..., e==f}?
|(Solve[] works on systems in either form, but FindRoot[] seems to
|require the second.)
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Dr. Selwyn Hollis
|Associate Professor of Mathematics
|Armstrong Atlantic State University |Savannah, GA 31419 USA
|~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ |

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