Re: Impossible?
- To:
- Subject: [mg10559] Re: [mg10458] Impossible?
- From:
- Date: Tue, 20 Jan 1998 16:54:03 -0500
- References: <>
Arturas Acus wrote: > > Hello, > > I would like to construct a function which gives me an absolute Level of > subexpression in expression. For example I want: > > a*(b+c*(d+AbsoluteLevelQ[e])) > > evaluate to > > Level[a*(b+c*(d+e)),e]. > ( AbsoiuteLevelQ climbs up until reaches In[], after that calls Level > ) > > More generally, I would like to control absolute level (level in respect > to In[%]) at which patter matching take place. For example if pattern > matches at Level n>3, then rule is applied, but if it matches at > Level n<3 then not. > > I suspect, that evaluation machinery here is hardly involved. Do > Mathematica language provides tools for such a control? Please comment > if solution don't exist. > > Arturas Acus > Institute of Theoretical > Physics and Astronomy > Gostauto 12, 2600,Vilnius > Lithuania > > E-mail: > Fax: 370-2-225361 > Tel: 370-2-612906 Every mathematica expression is a list of some sort. If you type in an algebraic expression like: In[6]:= f=x*Sin[y]+3*Exp[-x^3-4 x +7]; The various "elements" of f can be found just like in a regular list. I show a few examples below: In[7]:= f[[0]] Out[7]= Plus In[8]:= f[[1]] Out[8]= 3*E^(7 - 4*x - x^3) In[9]:= f[[2]] Out[9]= x Sin[y] In[12]:= Dimensions[f[[1]]] Out[12]= {2} In[13]:= f[[1,1]] Out[13]= 3 In[14]:= f[[1,2]] Out[14]= E^(7 - 4*x - x^3) You might also check out the LeafCount,TreeForm, Level, Depth, Position etc. in chapter 2.1.4 of the mathematica book. In particular, something like MatrixForm[Table[Level[f,n],{n,1,Depth[f]}]] can give you a graphic representation of the data available and Level[f,Depth[f]] returns a list of all possible subexpressions. {3, E, 7, -4, x, -4*x, -1, x, 3, x^3, -x^3, 7 - 4*x - x^3, E^(7 - 4*x - x^3), 3*E^(7 - 4*x - x^3), x, y, Sin[y], x*Sin[y]} To find the complete location of one of those elements, say 7, use: Position[f,7,Depth[f]] which returns an exact description of where in the expression you can find that subexpression: {{1,2,2,1}} Hope that helps. -- Remove the _nospam_ in the return address to respond.
- References:
- Impossible?
- From: "Arturas Acus" <>
- Impossible?