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Re: Questions on MultipleListPlot

David Keith wrote:
> I am using MultipleListPlot to plot data previously acquired and stored
> as space delimited numbers in newline delimited records. Using
> "ReadList, RecordLists->True", it is easy to acquire the data as a list
> of lists, where each element of an inner list is a two-element list
> representing a data point. The length of the outer list and of the
> inner lists is variable, depending on the particular data acquisition.
>         Example:
>         data = {
>                 { {x11,y11},{x12,y12},{x13,y13} },
>                 { {x21,y21},{x22,y22},{x23,y23} },
>                 { {x31,y31},{x32,y32},{x33,y33} }
>                    }
> I am having two problems:
> 1) While ReadList easily acquires the data as a list of lists,
> MultipleListPlot wants to see separate lists as separate arguments, ie.
> "MultipleListPlot[list1,list2,list3, . . .], not
> MultipleListPlot[{list1,list2,list3, . . .}]. Can anyone recommend a
> method to feed a list of lists to MultipleListPlot?
> 2) Although I am taking data over a large range, I would like to graph
> it over a smaller range using PlotRange to control the display. When I
> do this, MultipleListPlot with PlotJoined->True only draws lines in the
> selected range, but datapoints outside the range are displayed in the
> area within the plot region but outside the range and axis, obiterating
> the plot title. Any ideas would be appreciated.
> Thanks.



lsts = Table[{n,Random[]},{2},{n,6}];

MultipleListPlot[##, PlotJoined->True]&@@lsts


MultipleListPlot[Sequence@@lsts, PlotJoined->True]

2) I don't get this problem with 3.01

MultipleListPlot[##, PlotJoined->True, PlotRange -> {.2,.8}, PlotLabel->

Allan Hayes
Training and Consulting
Leicester, UK
voice: +44 (0)116 271 4198
fax: +44 (0)116 271 8642

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